Masonry Fireplaces
A masonry fireplace is built one brick or block at a time. Like a fingerprint there is no exact copy…
Prefabricated Fireplaces
Pre-fabricated fireplaces or chimney systems are manufactured, rather than built by a mason…
Home Sale or Purchase
Home buyers fail to have a proper and full fireplace and chimney inspection before the sale or purchase of a home…
Annual Chimney Inspections
It’s important to routinely inspect and clean their chimneys and woodstoves.
Video Inspections
Sweeping your chimney alone is not enough to ensure the safe use of your fireplace…
Crown Construction / Replacement
Provides the chimney with shelter from the elements and prevents deterioration…
Flashing Repairs
Flashing is the material that connects your chimney to your roof and prevents weather entry into the home.
Stainless Steel / Copper Chimney caps
Chimney caps sit at the top of a chimney and provide essential protection for your chimney and home.
Class A Chimney Installations
“Class A” chimneys are visible on the outside of a house and protrude through a roof or run up an outside wall.
Chimney Cap/Damper installs and Repairs
Smoke Chamber Parging
The smoke chamber is the sloping section of the fireplace above the damper and below the first flue tile.
Fireplace Relining
Properly installed and maintained liners protect the house from heat transfer to combustibles…
Woodstove Liners
It is recommended that your chimney be lined or relined with a full-length stainless steel insulated liner system…